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       1、关于中国授权展 | Profile

       Why China?



       According to China Licensing Industry Report 2020, the total retail volume of licensed merchandise in China in 2019 reached USD 14.6 billion, 15.9% growth year-on-year. And the royalty fee of the industry amounted to RMB 3.82 billion.

       China ranks the fifth largest licensing market in the world, only after US, UK, Japan, and Germany. Licensing business in China is expanding rapidly with huge potential.


       Why China Licensing Expo?


       The largest professional licensing exhibition in Asia, China Licensing Expo (CLE) is organized by the China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA). The headline-hitting three-day B2B licensing networking event is widely recognized as the most effective network to promote brands, properties, characters and designs, to start and expand licensing businesses in China, by connecting the world’s most influential property owners and high quality consumer-goods manufacturers, licensees and retailers throughout the nation.

       1)IP365X,全年365天的线上CLE | IP365X, Online China Licensing Expo


       “IP365X” belongs to China Toys and Juvenile Products Association. IP365X aims to bring together a wide range of licensors and licensees from various industries and resources, open up information barriers, solve the information asymmetry phenomenon in the field of brand authorization and effectively promote the commercial docking between various authorized IPs and authorizedenterprises。


       9、主办介绍 Organizer

       中国玩具和婴童用品协会成立于1986 年,为国资委和民政部归口管理的全国性行业协会,是非营利性社会组织,是中国唯一的全国性玩具和婴童用品行业社团组织,是中国的中国玩具和婴童用品行业在国际玩具工业理事会(ICTI)的唯一合法代表。中玩协会员包括从事玩具、婴童用品、品牌授权和学前教育及相关领域的企事业单位、社会团体。2007年开始涉足品牌授权行业,通过中玩协品牌授权专委会开展工作。14 年来 , 通过开展行业规划、统计分析、人才培养、信息宣传、展览展示等工作 , 引导和促进中国品牌授权行业的健康持续发展。中玩协为 CLE 中国授权展的主办方,配合文旅部和国家文物局等政府机构举办品牌授权的相关活动。并与超过 26 个行业协会和展会合作等方式,引导和促进被授权企业借力授权促进实体经济高质量发展。
       The Organizer of China Licensing Expo, the China Toy & Juvenile Products Association (CTJPA) is a non-profit trade organization dedicated to the toy, kids products preschool products, and licensing industry, and the only national association supported by the Chinese government in the industry since 1986. CTJPA receives strong support from China’s Ministry of Culture, State Administration for Industry & Commerce, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the P.R. China, etc, and now has become a leading role in China’s licensing industry. By 2019, the registered membership of TJPA has surpassed 5,000 companies. With strong licensing demand from its membership companies, also to help them gain competitiveness in the market, CTJPA is working with more efforts to meet the demand and provide a platform connecting every aspect in the licensing field for the market.

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